Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mrs. Mel(fill in the blank)

Who knew a simple last name like ours could be butchered so badly by elementary school kids? I do find the name a little awkward to say, but with having Jackson as a last name for 23 years I just thought it was me.

Here are a few that are my favorites thus far...

Various pronunciations by children who cannot say their r’s or l’s, or both…adorable!
Mrs. Melbourne
Mrs. Melbert
Mrs. Milford- she is another teacher but I “can't be her because she is old and wrinkly and lives where old people live" according to one of my first graders. She was a teacher there when I was in elementary school…I guess he might have a point.
We were on a field trip on Wednesday and while waiting in line one of the students was reading my name tag and said "Ohhh, it’s Melberg! I thought it was Melbird!"

And the grand prize winner...
Mrs. Melburp


The Ousdahls said...

Oh, I just love it. That is, how little ones pronounce various words. I bet Mandi has many laughs in her line of work =) The funny thing is is that while "Melburp," is the Funniest, it is also the closest to your real name...leave it to the little ones.

Good thing you don't have Ousdahl as a last name...adults cannot even pronounce it right!



Kirsten said...

I can sympathize with this as once my nick name became 'Marlburger'.

MCH said...

I totally feel your pain. My name was often mispronounced in the classroom, as it continues to mystify adults. Eventually, Miss Carroll went to just "Carroll" or "Cawwoll" for those faking a speech impediment.