Over the weekend Jeremy and I came to the conclusion that Jake, our 1 1/2 year old chocolate lab, was at the age where he would no longer need to be in his kennel while we were not at home. Saturday and Sunday he was wonderful, of course these were only short time frames of being free in the house with older brother Miles (our 3 year old chocolate lab). The true test was going to be Monday when Jeremy and I returned to work and would be gone 9+ hours at a time. When we came home after work on Monday his little halo was just glowing, they were both angels! Looking back I should have known, Mondays are their days to catch up on sleep from the busy weekend, as if 18 hours a day isn't enough.
Below is a picture of how I was greeted when I got home from work on Tuesday.
What were we thinking? No, I take that back. What was he thinking?! Was he protesting? Would he rather be caged while we are away? Was he bored? Did Miles talk him into it like sneaky older siblings do? Jeremy and I tackled the clean up duty, he collected the pillow fluff and other various items Jake collected from other parts of the house to bring into the den and utterly destroy. I had vacuum duty. Did you know that Styrofoam packaging torn into tiny pieces is incredibly hard to vacuum even with a Dyson?
The picture below was taken after our den was back in order. I managed to get the culprit and the victim all in the same shot. I apologize for the poor quality of this picture, both of these were taken with my cell phone and I guess the dim lighting didn't help.

Sneaky older siblings? Not me. Never.
Oh, I remember the days when we would come back to our Apartment in Farmville, to find similar situations where Cooper shredded a variety of items. It is a good thing that dogs are so darn cute. --The Ousdahls
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